Technology Roundup – Programming Languages


At Acism, we often found new joinees lacking a good perspective on the software technology. The software technology was shaped not only through genius minds at work but also through business interests. For students and professionals aspiring to work in the technology area, it is crucial to understand this phenomena. This understanding enables them to understand better where the various programming languages are coming from, and also to create the right expectation of what to expect from a given language, given its classification. Therefore, for Acism’s new joinees, we often cover this as a part of induction.

When invited to give a tech talk at a PMI meet, we thought about sharing this understanding with the software project manager audience. For this talk, we attempted to capture this understanding in the slideshare. The talk was well-appreciated. The slideshare is shared below.

Technology Roundup – Programming Languages & Paradigms from Ashish Belagali