The capabilities of the web browser are quietly increasing. What was possible only with a native application now becomes possible with a browser.
Let’s start with a couple of true short stories about maintaining and enhancing legacy applications from my first hand experience
Recently, some prospects provided us Figma prototypes when asked for requirements. I guess this is becoming a trend. While those prototypes looked beautiful, ...
Market downturn is the best time to start a software project. Here is how you can benefit from the present downturn...
Many startups need to get software developed. Here are some key strategies to guide how they can go about it....
This article shows how to spawn an application from another one, with common functionality using...
Acism conducted programming internships remotely in 2022. They were based on Xsemble component...
Project estimation is one of the most important and early activities in a software project. It is tricky especially in project outsourcing scenario...
Many startups need to get software developed. Here are some key strategies to guide how they can...
Software product development often takes a big hit as the original developer leaves and someone else is expected...
Acism has offered student internships in the important area of software modernization. They are designed to...
The international women’s day is a great occasion to share a thought that can empower some women. As we all...
At Acism, we serve a buffet of software development options and allow the customers to choose from them to suit...
The Xsemble flow diagram of a CMS shows a single page node that serves all site pages, which accurately...
The requirements of CRM are often unique and ever-changing. Therefore, instead of a ready-made CRM...
Introduction The short internships of MIT World Peace University (MIT-WPU) students are coming to a close...
This article features two documents that cover in detail the visual modeling of of two ERP processes...
One of the most far reaching impacts of the #Covid19 pandemic is that #WorkFromHome, or in...
As a new year 2020 is about to begin, it is time to make resolutions. In this part 2 of a 2 part series, we cover ...
As a new year 2020 is about to begin, it is time to make resolutions. In this part 1 of a 2 part series, we cover...
A recent article in Harvard Business Review (HBR for short) has again brought up the issue of...
Over the last weekend, I happened to read not just one or two, but three different pieces concerning the...
Great programmers are flooded with offers, and recruitment becomes a big challenge in the face of last minute...
In a group of friends (all of us in the 20+ years experience range), one of us casually commented that one...
WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are the top 3 leading CMSes. Having played with all 3, our recommendation is to...
The latest attack on tech-earth is from planet Javascript. Like many of their predecessors such as Java, C...
This week is the thanksgiving week, and this blog post is to express our gratitude to the free software makers...
This is the third and concluding part of a 3 part series about the Email Monster. In part 1 and part 2 we saw how it eats into a company’s bottom line and top line respectively. In this last part...
In our last article, we saw how the email monster eats into your organization’s bottom line. In this article, we shall see what it does to the top line. Remember Charlie Chaplin’s...
An aspect that’s common across various types of businesses is that they deal with a lot of email. The email statistics is appalling. Under our very nose, the email...
Last decade saw more and more application of Information Technology (IT) in businesses. While the number of ...
At Acism, we often found new joinees lacking a good perspective on the software technology. Technology was shaped not only through genius minds at work but also through business interests...
April 2015 Update: The limited time offer has expired. A new pricing structure is now in place. We, the Kommbox Team, keep pursuing ways to make the Kommbox offering better. This is a continuous...
The “Cummins Experiment” on distributed software development yielded results that would be of interest to...
Writing a 10 lines program is child’s play. Writing a 100 lines program is harder. It’s harder than writing 10 programs of ...
Our QA lead who handles Kommbox is off for a 1 1/2 week vacation starting today. Another QA team member, will be handling it in the meanwhile. Will s/he be able to do a good...
Every now and then new articles come up about how some other shiny language does the job better than Java. It is...
This festive season, we are very glad to release Kommbox 1.7.1. There are significant enhancements in the User Interface, User experience, Security and Invitation workflow areas...
Today is a day of pride for all Indians, as India’s Mangalyaan successfully entered the Mars orbit (media coverage)...
Time and again, disasters strike. When that happens, citizens rise to send help. Kudos to those who do that. In a...
It is not a secret anymore… email takes away a lot of productive time from your workforce and its model of information ...
Communication is omnipresent in every business. While a lot is said and done about Communication Skills, the area of improving Communication Process or the Communication Systems within...
The success of enterprise-wide collaboration which is enabled by Enterprise Social Networks...
Over this weekend, Kommbox moved to a new, faster, server. Along with this, a new release is in place. As the most visible change in the UI, the left side list's kommboxes on the Dashboard page...
Throughout 2013, we were immersed into interactions and our own experimentation within the business communication...
There are many special tools specific to business communication. The use of multiple tools –each for a category– mean slicing and dicing our communication. Is that a good strategy?...
There are many productivity dampeners, and email overload is the most significant and most common of them. Many people routinely receive 100+ emails every day. Not only these emails...
Many of us in India would be returning to work today after the Diwali vacations. They will see a lot of “Happy Diwali” messages that poured in last week. While it may feel...
If you are planning to outsource a software project, you have a lot of choices of software vendors...
On discussion board concerned with technology, one often sees posts from startups teams looking for tech partners. Is it because they want...