New Year Resolutions for 2020 #SoftwareOutsourcing – Part 1


As a new year 2020 is about to begin, this is a good time to make some really good resolutions — whether you are a software vendor or a customer. This is a 2 part series. In this part 1 we cover the resolutions for the software vendors, and then part 2 will cover the resolutions for the customers.

Resolutions for Software Vendors

Look, no one knows the full spectrum of software development, so you do not have to fake it. Just stick to your grounds: know what you know and be willing to try out different things. Most customers would be happy with such an attitude, instead of having to deal with bull***t about your company being #1 services company in the world.

We have seen tiny companies of say 5 people, who claim expertise in every technology under the sun. C’mon, everyone knows that you cannot be expert in everything, and people can easily see through it. It is best to talk about the couple of things you know well and leave the rest.

Another variation of this goof-up is the marketing collateral which claims everything under the sun as your company’s focus areas. Wake up guys, what you are doing defies the meaning of the word “focus” itself. If you focus on everything, you focus on nothing.

So, make up a new year resolution to clean up your marketing collaterals, and come clean with your prospects / customers.

Now this is for those who deliberately take short-cuts and try to get away with a poor job. Yes, it is difficult, especially in software world, to find out such things, and you may be able to take some customers for a ride and congratulate yourselves on the quick buck you make. But remember: you may be able to fool some people for some time, but you cannot fool all people all the time. Your karma will come and bite you sooner or later. So, make a resolution to fight your temptations to make a quick buck at the cost of your customer.

Last but not the least, please make a resolution to evaluate at least one new technology every 3 months to see if you want to embrace it. New software technologies are geared up for speed and efficiency, and by ignoring them you may be leaving a lot of money on the table.