Over this weekend, Kommbox moved to a new, faster, server. Along with this server change, a new release is now in place.
As the most visible change in the UI, the left side list of kommboxes on the Dashboard page is now gone. However, we added the name of the kommbox in the update and a quick reply button in front of the update.
Other UI updates include: (a) Change Refer Friends location from menu bar. (b) Division of commands into 2 panels on the right side. The bottom panel is used for admin purpose. Since it is visible to the admin users, only they will see this change. (c) Use of a more visible (red) new updates notification on the dashboard page.
The name of the default general kommbox that gets created along with a new account creation has been changed to “General”. We added “Create Tasks” and “Create Discussion” links even outside the context of a kommbox (even on the dashboard view) — these new tasks and new discussions will go to the General kommbox. We hope that giving these buttons on the dashboard will help new user onboarding (as we found some of them wondering how/ whether they can post to the group).
With this release, we have started adding an API support to Kommbox, using which developers can create third party applications to interact with Kommbox.
Recurring tasks have got two new options: Monthly by date, Monthly by day in place of the earlier Monthly (which basically meant Monthly by Date). The former is useful for tasks that recur on a fixed date of every month (say, 1st of each month), and the later is useful for tasks that recur on a specific day of a week (say, second Saturday of each month).